Will Rogers Afternoon Frolic - Visit Claremore
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Will Rogers Afternoon Frolic

Will Rogers Afternoon Frolic


Will Rogers Memorial Museum

1720 West Will Rogers Boulevard
Claremore, OK 74017 United States
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Will Rogers Museum



Will Rogers Afternoon Frolic

April 6, 2024
The Will Rogers Memorial Museum and Circle Cinema have teamed up to present Will Rogers Afternoon Frolic on Saturday, April 6. The afternoon includes a double feature of Will Rogers films, lunch with Ike’s Chili and roping demonstrations. Doors open at 11 a.m. and the movies start at 1 p.m.


The chosen films are “Steamboat Round the Bend” followed by the silent movie “Ropin’ Fool” accompanied by a live organ played by Bill Rowland. Before showtime, visitors can make their own rope and learn a rope trick while viewing original movie posters and behind-the-scenes images shot on set of the films. Lunch will be available for purchase from Ike’s Chili.

Special ticket pricing, adults $7, children $5.
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